Thursday, August 28

The New Kid

A new kid came over to my house yesterday after school. He got off the bus, threw me his backpack and jumped on his bike. After pulling on his helmet he took off pedaling down the street, up the street, circling me as I walked toward home carrying the backback filled with the usual back to school paperwork to be filled out. Once at the house he grabbed himself a glass, opened the fridge and poured himself some juice. I asked him how his friend A was that we hadn't seen all summer. "Good" he replied, "why do you ask?" He sauntered around, helped Abbey with a drawing, seeming all that much older than the last time I had seen him. When he opened the cupboard and got himself some crackers I just had to remark. "Wow, you sure are doing a lot for yourself today, I like it!"

"Well, I'm in first grade now mom, what do you think?"

Oh Jack, it seems like just yesterday you were still a little boy, my little boy, asking me to get you juice, get you a snack, help you get on the computer. Oh wait . . . that was yesterday.


crazymommy said...

Perhaps Dennis should start the first grade!

Pam said...

OK, 2 things, first - laughing out loud at crazymommy's comment!

Second - do you think there's a chance this 'self sufficiency' could start in Kindergarten? I don't think I'll hold my breath, but it would be nice! LUCKY!

Unknown said...

That was a tear-jerker Kurt....

Gotta love "crazymommy"!

Karen said...

I am dying to hear more about 1st grade!

Emilie said...

My little Timmy starts preschool this week. I can't imagine him being the age of the kids I teach, or a big bad first grader! You were always so good with words, I enjoy your writing. See, I checked out your blog, and more importantly, I like it!