Thursday, May 15


Dear God, I am thankful for my washer & dryer. I am thankful for indoor plumbing, flushable wipes, Lysol and ginger ale. Mostly God, I am thankful for my washer and dryer (did I mention that), and coffee, very very thankful for coffee.

At 1:30 last night (this morning) I heard those 4 little words that every mother hears from time to time. These of course are "Mommy, I threw up." Jack then spent the next 5 hours alternating between puking, diarrhea, moaning and sipping ginger ale. I spent the next 5 hours holding a bucket, cleaning poop off the floor, filling tubs, disinfecting and doing mounds and mounds of disgusting laundry. But when I turned on the t.v. this morning "A Baby Story" was on TLC and this woman was like 22 hours into her labor and just starting to push and I thought to myself . . "it could be worse."

Remember to always look for that damn silver lining.

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