Monday, June 15

Who, Me?

I just wanted to share a couple of blog awards I just received (my first EVER) from my good bloggy friend Jen over at Yours + Mine = Ours. You may be thinking "wow Kirsten, awards, congratulations!" or maybe you were thinking "but of course you are a brilliant blogger and deserve oodles and oodles of awards" and you would be right. You may also be thinking "and awards from Jen, that is an even bigger accomplishment" and you would be correct there too. So here you go, feast your eyes on these babies. After this they will reside on my sidebar, for all the world to see and marvel at.


Pam said...

Of course you should receive an award, you should accept it graciously and in a timely and uncomplicated manner....

Someone once said that, but I can't recall who....

Lindy said...

woo hoo! congrats!