Thursday, February 5


OK, I will admit that I am usually running late and in a hurry, but the last 2 days on my way to work I have been behind the SAME old man. I could tell by his giant car and his old man hat visible through the back windshield. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the elderly, but should all of them really be driving? Sure, some are good drivers. Some have their wits about them, but others? Not so much. This morning I was forced to go 27 miles per hour in a 40 zone, all the while drumming my fingers on the wheel while trying not to get so close to him that a quick stop for no apparent reason (sun in eye, turtle in road, oh no wait that is a piece of trash) would cause me to rear end him. It wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't on my way to work. I also seem to get behind old drivers on my way to take the kids to a doctor appointment. Or anywhere really that requires us to be on time. Perhaps the elderly could have designated driving times? NOT during morning or evening commuting hours. Like maybe from 10 - 2 they are allowed on the road. Late enough to not get in the way of people going to work, off the road before kids start to get out of school. Yes, that's it. 10 - 2. Old People Driving Hours. OPDH. Look at that, new legislation.


Erin said...

I second the motion!!! Beat it OPD's.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama can put that in his new bill

CaitRenee said...

I hear that! There should be separate lanes. I'm all for driving the speed limit, but more than 10 mph under the limit- that should be ticketed as much as speeding! Stinkin OPDs!

Anonymous said...

OK, I will admit that I am usually running late...that says it all.
God willing we all will get old some day.
"Don't sweat the small stuff." LOL

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to leave my name.
Carol B

Pam said...

I think you have a valid point & believe that Barack would agree...write it up & send it in!

Amy said...

Gosh, I hope I'm not like that when I'm and OP. I think most OPD's are in bed by 5pm anyway...just a