Tuesday, December 15

A Bit Of A Milestone

Try not to faint at the fact that I am posting 2 days in a row. I just wanted to throw something out there acknowledging a little bit of a milestone. Nothing huge mind you, or life shattering, but I just noticed on my handy dandy little statistical counter that I have now had over 10,000 hits on this site. That is not to say and please don't be confused and think that I have 10,000 READERS (whoa, how cool would that be?) but merely 10,000 hits. Which means after you subtract the 8,345 times I personally have clicked onto my blog, I had quite a few devoted readers following along. So thank you devoted readers. Maybe I will have some sort of contest to commemorate this auspicious occasion. Yes, a contest. Stay tuned for me to come up with one. I can't make any promises but a Dunkin' Donuts gift card may be up for grabs.


Lindy said...

woo hoo! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't do coffee but I love donuts!
Carol B.

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

Love Dunkin' Donuts!


Lindy said...

Sorry I'm leaving another comment, wasn't sure what your email address was - just wanted to let you know your comment made my day!

Thanks for telling me about that email - I'm still smiling. :)