Monday, December 29


Dear Little Blog,

I am sorry little blog. I have ignored you, neglected you and you may have thought forgotten all about you. I'm sorry. So much has been going on in my life that I just haven't had the time or the energy to write in you. Sometimes I think I will write in you, but then I have so many other tedious things to do that you get pushed aside. I promise that I will be better in 2009. I will write in you much more, and make time for you again. 2009 will be a good year. I will have practically a new house. New carpeting, new cabinets, new floors, new countertops. New attitude. I am already planning a little nook in my kitchen where I can put my computer and write on you little blog. For now we will be moving into a trailer in the yard, and I'm not sure if I will be able to hook up my computer and write in you little blog, but I will find a way. I promise. So don't be mad at me little blog, I still love you.

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