Thursday, April 2

Jello With A Side Of Boogers

Last night after dinner Abbey walked by Jack holding a container of jello. Her dessert. He promptly picked his nose (he claims he only "pretended") and wiped it onto her jello. Much crying and screaming ensued, ending with a brand new jello and the contaminated one in the trash. I wanted to get mad at him, I mean jello doesn't grow on trees, but it was just such a brotherly thing to do. I mean, how much more stereotypical brother antagonizing his sister behavior can there be than booger wiping? I must admit that there is the usual amount of "he hit me" "she grabbed me" "he bumped into me on purpose" and just as much "it wasn't me!" "no I didn't" and "she's lying" going on in our house, but there is also a wonderful bond that I see growing between them. They are each other's most constant companion, playmate and Saturday morning cartoon watching partner. I love that with a 2 1/2 year age difference that there is fighting, but that they are also able to play together, especially now that Abbey is older. They can play real games now, and I appreciate the burden it takes off of me to be the constant entertainer. True, it's a trade off, as I have turned into the constant referee instead, but it's worth it. They may fight, but in the end I know that they have each other's backs. Even last night after the booger wiping incident, while laying in bed reading a "Jack and Annie" book ("Jack and Abbey" in our house) there was a picture of Annie in a prairie dress. "What a pretty dress" Abbey exclaimed. Jack answered her "it is pretty, but your dresses are prettier and you look really pretty in them." Now isn't that nice?


Karen said...

Ewwww. Was it lime jello?

Amy said...

As much as the kids can drive me crazy with their fighting, there are always those moments you know they really love each other. I witnessed one of those such moments the other night. It was a beautiful thing....sniff, sniff.

I get to hear "He farted on me!" a lot at our house. I'm guessing that is probably in your future.

CaitRenee said...

Your kids DO have a pretty great relationship for the age and gender differences. It's always nice to watch. Also- ew booger jello.

Lindy said...

No good can come from boogers on jello....

Nice post!

Jen said...

You should have made Jack eat the bogger-jello. I think I might have done that. I am not sure what it is but Taylor picks his nose all the time. I find dried-up, hard boggers all ove the place. The other day we were at Walmart, ringing in our "stuff" when I noticed the water bottle I was buying had a nice fresh boggie on it. I was going to grab it but the cashier did before me. She touched it... but I don't think she noticed. THANK GOD!!!!

morninglight mama said...

I'm stopping by from Manic Mommy's blog, and let me just say that this first post that I've read has me cracking up! What are the ages of your kids- because I have two with an 18 month difference, but they're both still toddlers, so the bickering is limited to 'he pushed me!' over and over and over! Is booger-laced-jello in our future??

Kirsten said...

Number one, it was orange jello. Luckily NOT lime! :-) And welcome to you new readers! Thanks so much for stopping by. And thanks for the comments, I LOVE comments! Morninglight, my son Jack is almost 7 (in 2 weeks) and Abbey is 4 1/2. Yes, it IS in your future. But I bet with an 18 month age difference they will also be even better friends. You have to love built in playmates :-)

Laurie said...

I am on the EXACT same page as you, Kirstin, with the kids. I actually MISS Tommy when he's at school because he plays with Julie when he's home. Granted - we too have our fair share of fights - but I agree - so worth it.
Of course I must share my booger story while we are on the topic. About 6 months ago (guessing here) I was at the post office with Tommy and he was picking his nose and pulled out a good one. I looked in my pockets and didn't have a kleenex. I asked the post office worker - she didn't have one. I looked over at Tommy in time to see him pop it in his mouth. I was relieved - because I half expected him to wipe it on the counter - and I found this to be the better alternative. This elderly woman watched the whole thing and commented to me that "Maybe I'm just old, but I found that totally repulsive" I bit my tongue...tempted to say that yes she was old or perhaps let her know I was happy he ate it and didn't wipe it somewhere...I just smiled.

Laurie said...

Sorry about the type-o on your name - not sure how to edit...