Saturday, April 18

I Want More Mashed Potatoes!

Jack had his adenoids out yesterday and I'll admit, I was a little freaked about the whole "going under anesthesia" part. It's hard when your kids have anything medical done to them and gives you that pitty feeling in your stomach. I was able to be in the operating room with him while they gave him the special happy gas (Dennis stayed home with Abbey), and once he was out I was off to the waiting room. It felt like a while, but in reality it was over in 15 minutes. It was such a relief when the doctor came out to tell me that everything went great and he was fine. About 20 minutes later a nurse came in to tell me that he was starting to wake up and that I could come in. He was groggy and out of it, but he kept giving me and the nurses the thumbs up sign. He really was being a little trooper and I was so proud of him. They wheeled him into this little curtained off room where he could watch a movie, but he just wanted to sleep. We had to stay for about 2 1/2 hours so they could monitor him, and then we were sent home. Just like that. By noon we were home and he was doing great. Really great, like much greater than they had said he would. I was told he would be sleepy all day, that was untrue. I was told to try to get him to have at least 5 ounces of liquid every hour to stay hydrated, but he was drinking juice like a fish. They said he could have soft foods after about 12 hours, but the second we returned home he wanted to eat the spaghettios that Abbey was having for lunch. He said he was starving. So he ate those. Then he ate some mashed potatoes. Then he had some ice cream. And Popsicles. He is supposed to be resting but he seems fine. He is YELLING for me to bring him more mashed potatoes constantly so his throat can't be that sore. I stopped giving him the Tylenol with codeine after the first dose because he says his throat feels OK. He is actually being quite demanding, lounging around on the couch yelling for mashed potatoes and Popsicles, hogging the remote. I know he just had surgery, but geez, I've seen worse recuperation from a hangnail. I think one more day of "resting" oughta do it, then he's off that damn couch.


Jen said...

Yeah, cause if Jack is on the couch, where are you supposed to lounge?!? ;)

Glad he's feeling ok!

Lindy said...

They would've had me at "he'll be sleepy all day!"

Good luck with the remote. I've got a sick one and I've seen EVERY episode of Spongebob ever made!

Erin said...

Glad to hear Jack made out well!

Pam said...

Sounds like Jack did great! What a relief!

Question now is - are you still whipping up mashed potatoes???

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Kirsten said...

wow Ed, you hit the nail right on the head. I can't believe your insighfulness!