Thursday, September 4


This time of year reminds me of the way your body is in early pregnancy. Not yet able to pull off maternity clothes, yet way too thick all of a sudden to wear any of your regular clothes. It is an annoying in-between time, when you just look fat. That is what early September is. It is not yet Fall but Summer is over, at least all the fun of Summer. As everyone can tell, Fall is my favorite season. I love it. The smells, the weather. You can wear long pants and long sleeves again, but you don't need a heavy coat. The leaves turn all beautiful and bright, the air is crisp. At this point I tend to mentally block out all of the leaves that will have to be raked up and the acorns the size of tennis balls that fall from the trees and land with loud clunks on the top of my car and my head. Fall evokes more of a feeling of rebirth and renewal than Spring ever does.

But it is not cool out. I am so tired of looking at the kids in these worn out boring summer things. Practically all of Jack's shorts have stains on them, half of Abbey's short sleeves tops are all of a sudden too small, and the cute summer dresses that looked so adorable on her in June now just look ridiculous. And here at my office, Labor Day marks the end of casual dress. The biggest impact is that I can no longer wear open toed shoes. That means no more sandals, and really no more Capri's because wearing Capri's with closed toe clunky wintry shoes just looks insane. But it is still hot, so I have on short sleeves but my pants are my dressy pants and so I just look all discombobulated. I know, I know, what is wrong with me? There are millions of people out there that have way more serious, dramatic and important stuff to worry about and here I am bitching about office dress.

But now that school is in full swing and soccer and gymnastics have begun, I feel like it is Fall. It should be. But it is not. Fall does not "officially" begin until September 22nd. Today the weather forecast calls for temperatures in the 80's, maybe even pushing 90 in some areas. What the heck? I am getting impatient. I want to clean out our clothes and pull out the warmer stuff. Don't you remember when you were little and you went school shopping, you had all these brand new clothes but it was too damn hot to wear any of them? I can still vividly remember the outfit I wore on my first day of High School. It was of course an outfit appropriate for an outside temperature of about 40 degrees. Black pants, red turtleneck (?????) and then another long sleeved rugby type shirt (red, white & black of course) on top of that. The best part is this, 2 (not 1) but 2 pairs of socks (red and white) and sneakers. I am getting sweaty just thinking about it, and yet for some reason I don't remember being hot that day (I certainly wasn't "hot" in a "damn she's fine" way in that outfit!). Perhaps it was cooler then? Oh shit, they must be right about this Global Warming thing.

So, does anyone else remember what they wore their first day of High School? If you do, leave me a comment. Let's see if we can get really good and immersed in nostalgia.


Amy said...

I remember wearing two pairs of socks and also remember tucking in the bottoms of my pants in them, which I think I did for a long time after it was in style, ugh!!

Ahh, fun times, fun times....

crazymommy said...

I do not remember the outfit I wore, but I remember it took forever to get my bangs to stand 6 inches off my head!

Kirsten said...

The key to getting your bangs up high was saturating them with hair spray and then using a curling iron to pull them straight up. Remember the smoke that would come off of it? Scary.

Unknown said...

Remember the neon orange and pink laces?? That was probably middle school.

Pam said...

what about stirrup pants, and Guess overalls....and don't forget the token esprit bag of course....

Anonymous said...

I remember also pegging our jeans for quite a long time and actually cutting holes in the knees - oh by the way I'm still here - Hanna seems to have turned a bit so it looks like not a direct hit, we're going to ride it out at home

Karen said...

The layered socks! I sometimes wore THREE pairs... for example, red, then black, then another red to get the true layery effect. Of course I always pulled them OVER my jeans and tried to make sure they were perfectly stacked so you could see each and every layer.

My first day of HS I do remember... I started HS in Florida so it was hot. They had a dress code where shorts were forbidden so I wore jeans and a yellow and white striped t-shirt that I thought was really cool. In retrospect, it wasn't the worst choice I could have made. I am sure I had one some dorky shoes that added a nice piece of late 80s flair.

I had that horrible, feathered mullet haircut, giant, think pink glasses and braces. I was also skinny (in a shapeless - young boy way), awkward and did not know how to wear make-up. A stunning beauty indeed!

My mom got into making (?) me pants my freshman year of highschool...and maybe even in 8th grade, too. They were basically like homemade capris because short pants were allowed, just not true shorts. So I wore a lot of these homemade, dorky short pants... that I somehow thought were cool although by 9th grade I probably should have realized my mom sewing my pants from scratch was really not all that cool.

Good times!

Anonymous said...

Seeing as I was a Catholic school girl...I wore a lovely scratchy wool plaid skirt with a pink oxford button down shirt. Of course I made it look cool with accessories. I always wore fun pins and bright tights (yeah - they looked good with the uniform) and funky shoes. My favorites were my see through plastic shoes with funky socks. And of course the big bangs. I never did the smoking thing you spoke of - though I've seen other people do that. I used to tease my bangs into a tangled mess and then hair spray the heck out of them. They could survive a torrential rain.